Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris (kelompok)

NAME :  DANI PERNANDO                         (51411719)
              DENNY OCTAVIANTO                   (51411858)
              DIO ANGGA RIZKI                        (52411169)
              FAISHAL PRIMA SETIAWAN       (52411615)
              FAJRINNISAA RIZKY                  (52411664)
              FEBRI RAMADHAN                        (52411770)
              FURQON CIPTA ISMAYA              (52411980)
              INDRI MULIASARI                      (53411619)

1. Kontraktor itu menandatangani kontrak hari ini.
(+) The contructor signs a contract today.
(-) The contructor doesn’t sign a contract today.
(?)  Does the contructor sign a contract today?
(P) A contract is signed by the contructor today.

2. Dokumen-dokumen tersebut telah dikirim oleh Martha.
(+) The documents have been sent by Martha.
(-) The documents haven’t been sent by Martha.
(?) Have the documents been sent by Martha?
(A) Martha has sent the documents.

3. Apakah pintu-pintu itu dikunci olehnya (perempuan) sebelum meninggalkan rumah?
(?) Were the doors locked by her before leaving home?
(+) The doors were locked by her before leaving home.
(-) The doors were not locked by her before leaving home.
(A) She locked the doors before leaving home.

4. Dena menceritakan kabar baik kemarin.
(+) Dena told a good news yesterday.
(-) Dena didn’t tell a good news yesterday.
(?) Did Dena tell a good news yesterday?
(P) A good news was told by Dena yesterday.

5. Sudahkah ibuku membuat baju hangat untukku?
(?) Has my mother made a sweater for me?
(+) My mother has made a sweater for me
(-) My mother hasn’t made a sweater for me.
(P) A sweater has been made by my mother for me.

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